Art has always been my escape when things were bad and I saw a lot of bad in my years.
As a child I would hide and draw, escaping all that was around me and get lost for hours and because I have limited means I use multiple mediums to create. Everything from pencil and crayon to inks, dyes and found cans of paint. Charcoal sticks, burnt wood and even dirt.
I painted on glass taken from vacant buildings and I sold them on street corners to buy more supplies to create something new. I experimented and tried things new mixing different things to see what would happen. No reference or teachers since the internet hadn’t been born yet. Nature and a curious mind my guide.
I flipped throw magazines in awe of ads and logos. Signs intrigued me and shapes and colors excited me. I bought comic books mostly for the art and a friend or two would meet and draw and exchange ideas.
Such a strange child I was.
Art is often inspired by life. The subject often coming from personal passions or life events. If you follow an artist you can often tell their passions and things of the heart that influences their work. I started drawing comics and drawing things I liked at the time..pretty girls, cars, TV characters, etc.