No matter what, I am just Drawn2Create whether it be in pencil, pen, marker paint or what have you from a very young age it was obvious that I loved being creative and making things with my hands.
Wood Shop was the beginning, in junior high school, of my creative amazement and the joy I felt forming things into artistic beauty. Metal Shop was the next course and the skill of forming metals into useful things from just slabs of empty forms was so fulfilling.
But, the day that I sat in an art class and was given containers of bright colors of oozing liquids that were so joyfully splattered by me on blank surfaces…I was hooked. To this day I can’t look an blank empty surfaces without fighting the urge to start creating and morphing blank spaces into a piece of art filled with color, design and interest and through the years I have created and painted with many mediums and various surfaces of many unique shapes.
It never gets old, nor do I ever fail to get excited because I am Drawn2Create.